French (Francais) belong to the indo-european languages, is the Roman puxi Spanish, users after the largest number of Roman one of the language. French in the 11 th century was in addition to middle Chinese outside, the world use most of the language. Now the whole world has 87 million people regard it as a native language, as well as the other 190 million people use it (include it as a second language). French is many areas or organization (such as the official languages of the United Nations, the European Union). The French French and Canada French is the world two French branch of, have very big distinction between them.
When beginning, in today's France territory have many different dialects in Paris, but later in the region near the dialect "DE-France antiparasitage "(France) instead of the other island dialect and became the foundation of the modern French is the official language. And the southern economy development is relatively backward and because in the history of space, still exist many dialects, such as markov tongues, and give the Lange's dialect, Lange's dialect, the wood on Mr Buddha tongues, and praise, under Mr Buddha and tongues, and tongues, and, with a g street, fan said SiFang dialect. Canada French is a kind of French, the more close to the French, and the influence of American development by.
French of the other major dialects including valon language (Walloon, mainly distributed in Belgium), pick the first language, Norman language, lorraine language, language, AnRu language (champagne) and Angerin Burgundy language. These dialect together from Vince dialect, generally called in southern France and near areas use, including Vince (drums), blue rhone edom's long river), west of (the SAN jose mourinho (Limousin), Mr When vi ie and gus coney.