Dutch (Nederlands) belong to the indo-european language Germanic puxi of under the west Germanic branch, is the Netherlands, Belgium, surinam and tjung Antilles in the official language of the islands. In the Netherlands and Belgium throughout the north in Flanders, general. Europe, about twenty-four million people to the Dutch language for the first language. Have ever been Dutch rule for four centuries of Indonesia also have daily use.
Dutch alphabet by 26 or 27 A Latin letters from A to Z, in addition to the outside, in the back A IJ Y. Dutch sometimes use IJ instead of Y. (the Dutch brought y and IJ as the same letter, so the number of letters have 26).
The Dutch language and English and German, belong to the west Germanic branch. Dutch is by ancient lowlands German the dialect, the earliest evolved the Dutch literature can be traced back to the 12 th century Flanders. Contemporary Dutch is five kinds of dialect group set: the Midwest dialect (including south, north Holland, the province sadler's HaiErDe teams, most of the Syria of sealand and the area such as the use of dialect island), the northeast dialect (groningen, royston drenthe, Ethel and HaiErDe eastern Syria the use of dialect), southern dialect (north bo Laban, and its surrounding areas of limbaugh, Belgian Antwerp, Deborah bent and east Flanders), the southwest dialect (west Flanders) and the southeast dialect of (the Netherlands and Belgium in limbaugh most of the same area). The northeast dialect is usually called the Saxon dialect, southeast dialect is called the eastern lowlands flange families dialect, the other three groups is called western lowland flange secco dialect. The Dutch frith province of aram language alone is usually listed as a language: frith aram language.
Dutch and Belgian west Flanders provinces of Fred mans language use is actually about the same language, can be exchanged.